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red rose香水

52 2025-02-15 06:38

一、red rose香水



1. 热情与浪漫


2. 独特的风格


3. 持久的香气


4. 提升自信


5. 适合多种场合


6. 改善身心状态


7. 赋予内在魅力



二、a red red rose 赏析?

“A Red, Red Rose”这首诗想必大家非常熟悉,它的作者是苏格兰乡村诗人罗伯特·彭斯,也是著名歌曲“友谊地久天长”的作者,纽约曼哈顿岛的中央公园里还有他的塑像。最早读这首诗好像是在大学时代,离现在已有二十多年了,今天偶又看到,仍觉诗写得很美。



三、the red red rose 赏析?

诗歌《A red red rose》作为彭斯经典爱情诗之一,无疑是以爱情这个永恒的主题为本诗的主要题旨。诗人彭斯根据苏格兰民歌改编了这首爱情小诗,是为了送给他的心上人琪恩。

诗是无形的画,画是有形的诗。《A red red rose》像是一幅清新雅致的画,有优美旋律萦绕耳边,有年轻姑娘美妙的身影。诗歌“以画写情”一开篇,诗人就描绘出了一幅栩栩如生的淑女肖像:“啊!我的爱人是一朵红红的玫瑰,在盛夏的六月里苞放。”这寥寥数字,意蕴无限,一幅奇异瑰丽诱人的画卷跃然纸上,把读者带入美的境界中。

四、a red red rose赏析?

A Red, Red Rose

O my love is like a red, red rose

That's newly sprung in June;

O my love is like the melody

That's sweetly played in tune.

The beauty of my love can be compared with a red rose, and the sweet voice and shape of my love are like piece of soft music. As fair art thou, my bonie lass,

So deep in luve am I;

And I will luve thee still, my dear,

Till a' the seas gang dry.

My graceful girl, you are very beautiful and I love you very much; my dear, I will love you firmly until all the seas go dry. The speaker expresses his fiery passion for his love and swears to love her forever.

Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear,

And the rocks melt wi' the sun;

O I will luve thee still, my dear

While the sands o' life shall run.

My dear, I will love you till all the seas go dry and the rocks melt with the sun. I will love you firmly so long there is a life keeping time or I will love you until the end of my life.

And fare-thee-weel, my only Luve!

And fare-thee-weel awhile!

And I will come again, my luve,

Tho' 'twere ten thousand miles.

Farewell to you, my only dear love, farewell to you only for a short time! I will come back back again even though it were ten thousand mile away, my dear!

A Red, Red Rose

O, My love is like a red, red rose which has newly sprung in June; O, my love is like the melody(music) which has sweetly played harmoniously.

My love is deep as you are beautiful, my pretty girl. I will love you until the sea dry, my dear.

Until the sea dry and the rock melt with the sun. O, I love you till the end of my life, my dear.

Farewell to you, my only dear love, farewell to you only for a short time! I will come back back again even though it were ten thousand mile away, my dear!

Theme: to express strong affection to his love, swearing that he will love her for ever.


1.Stanza 1: compare his sweet heart as a red rose and sweet music.

2. Stanza 2-3 : swear that he will love her for ever, and assure that he will never change his heart.

3. Stanza 4: assure his lover that he will leave

for a short time but will come back no matter how far it is.

Form: Scottish Folklore, short lines, strong rhythm. The first and third lines have 8 syllables and the second and fourth lines have 6 syllable in the first two stanzas and 7 syllables in the second two stanzas. Rhyming abab.

Use simile to express the strong affection which can not be controlled. And use repetition to intensify his emotion.

五、red red rose诗歌作者?

罗伯特·彭斯,《一朵红红的玫瑰》,出自英国苏格兰著名的农民诗人Robert Burns(罗伯特·彭斯)

六、red red rose中文歌词?

歌手:the weepies专辑:be my thrill发行:2007Don't know why you do the things you do do do Holding it together with some glue glue glueYour favorite color isn't red it's blue blue blueNo one knows a red red roseSo you never get the things you need need needWhere it's hurt you cover up with weeds weeds weedsOpen it back up and let it bleed bleed bleedNo one knows it's a red red roseI'm not yours, you're not mineHope you find love in timeMemories come back like falling leaves leaves leavesNever get to love by saying please please please Praying only gets you on your knees knees kneesNo one knows a red red roseTake your time putting onyour clothes clothes clothesLook into the mirror and you pose pose poseLearn to live with everything you chose chose choseNo one knows a red red rose

七、我的世界red eyes是什么?

red eyes是Steve的第二人格,也是MC里的一个bug,但是真正的MC里并不存在red eyes,那只是aika420大大的一个脑洞和吧友们虚构出来的人物。

八、我的世界lunar moon和red sun哪个厉害?

Lunar Moon和Red Sun都是我的世界中非常强大的存在。Lunar Moon是一个神秘的月亮,它可以让玩家获得额外的经验和增加生命值。而Red Sun则是一个非常强大的太阳,它可以让玩家获得额外的力量和速度。


如果你需要更多的经验和生命值,那么Lunar Moon是一个不错的选择。

如果你需要更多的力量和速度,那么Red Sun可能更适合你。总的来说,这两个物品都非常厉害,可以帮助玩家在游戏中更加轻松地取得胜利。

九、rose与rose by的区别?


n. 玫瑰花;玫瑰红葡萄酒;玫瑰色;红润的肤色;莲蓬式喷嘴;玫瑰花形纹章

adj. 玫瑰的;玫瑰色的,粉红色的

v. 上升;达到较高水平;起立;起床;升起(rise 的过去式)


He sends her a bouquet of roses every Valentine's Day.


rose by释义:



The dollar rose by a ninth of a cent.


十、in red 和in a red 的区别?

in red: 穿红衣

Our room this year is furnished in red .今年我们的房间以红色为基调。

The pwa was mired in red tape .公共工程管理局陷于官样文章的困境之中。

The room was furnished in red plush .房间里用红色天鹅绒作装饰。

He outlined the triangle in red .他用红笔画出三角形。

in a red:


Father Christmas dresses up in a red coat.
