主页 > 手机游戏西城游戏网


76 2024-07-06 13:37


开发一个大型网络游戏,这个成本就太大了。一般光开发成本都需要过亿甚至几亿人民币的资金。而且耗时长,开发个两三年都是正常的。及时目前市面上感觉很烂的网游,没个几千万也是开发不出来的。 开发网游就等于烧钱,烧完钱开发出来,如果得不到广大玩家的认可。就GAME OVER了。所以风险性也极大。




and finally in the BREW platform design and development of mobile games and technology analyzed, including the resources to edit, process design and developmentBREW is a value-added mobile data in the field of application and development of new technologies. This paper describes a simple mobile game development and the characteristics described in detail the core of BREW technology, as well as the procedures under the BREW platform development process.

Mobile phones in the first game in the BREW platform, the use of VC + + to develop mobile applications, and then through the development kit BREWSDK the Emulator on the phone in the computer simulation

四、哪里有好的手机 游戏开发培训机构

好的手机 游戏开发培训机构我知道一个学校好,那就是北京的 公主坟游戏培训学院 ,我就是那里毕业的学员gzf.gamfe.com 现在我开始工作了,还是学校安排的工作,你可以上百度仔细了解,地址:北京市海淀区西三环中路甲18号公主坟南四维大厦三层